The songs of the pop group ABBA provide the score for this romantic
comedy which contrasts the dreams and aspirations of a young woman about to become a bride with those of her mother, a free spirit of the 70s who never married. Mamma Mia! takes place at a taverna on a Greek island in the summer of 1999 over a 24-hour period. Donna spent the summer of 1979 traveling after college and met Bill, Harry and Sam. Her daughter Sophie was born in 1980 when Donna was about 23 years old. All are now reunited for Sophie’s wedding.
In Order of Appearance
Sophie Sheridan..........Theresa Moen
Ali...............................Maddie Barbeau
Lisa.............................Patricia Domico
Donna............................Amy Arbizzani
Tayna............................Danielle Rothe
Rosie...........................Laurie Edwalds
Sky....................................Geon Ruffin
Pepper...........................Brett Baleskie
Eddie..................Henry Scriven-Young
Harry Bright.........Terry Foster-Hulbert
Bill Austin......................Chris Oechsel
Sam Carmichael..........Michael Dutton
Father Alexandrios..........Mark Geiger
Anna Ahonen - Taylor Autero - Jeremie Bacon - Julia Bacon
Andrea Behegan Gough - Makenna Case - Suzanne Compton - Peter Conser
Jull Danklefsen - Rebecca Dutton - Ryan Dutton - Ethan Fazio - Isabela Ferak
Brooke Ferricks - Emma Forbes - Abigail Friedenberg - Mark Geiger
Allannah Giles - Johnny Greanias - Megan Harmon - Paige Henley
Charlie Hickman - Jay Hruska - Chris Hutchison - Emma Hutchison - Tracy Kay
Patty Kirin - Addison Kyrychenko - Kate Loeffler - Melanie Lorang
Robyn Lycan - Lauren Magdziarz - Emily Maher - Jordan McCully - Trish Micus
Hannah Nauman - Taylor Oechsel - Lauren Pengiel - Mary Beth Pingatore
Maria Purpura - Kelsey Ray - Maggie Reynolds - Lilyan Ryan - Darby Schober
Ellie Schober - Charlie Scriven-Young - Kathy Scriven-Young
Mary Ann Shurilla - Allie Skelley - Alex Sohl - Kiki Southern - Jennifer Stocks
Amy Swenson - Stone TeSelle - Victoria Thomas - Ana Treanor
Delaney Turner - Stuart Vance - Irvin Varquez - Alexander Vjestica
Sarah Walton - Krista Waynick - Shannon Webb
Featured Dancers
Isabella Ferak - Paige Henley - Lauren Magdziarz - Taylor Oechsel
Lauren Pengiel - Mary Ann Shurilla - Allie Skelley - Sarah Walton
Krista Waynick
Production Staff
Producer: Sandra Doebert
Assistant Producer: Kate Loeffler
Director: Heather Hutchison
Assistant Director: Diane Link
Production Assistant: Ellie Schober
Vocal Director: Carrie Marcotte
Music Director: Michael Kennedy
Choreographer: Brenda Perez de Tejada
Asst. Choreographer: Darby Schober
Visual Designer: Brett Baleskie
Tech Director: Brett Baleski
Tech Director: Andrew Stratton
Assistant Tech Director: Matt Gottardo
Stage Manager: Matt Gottardo
Backstage Manager: Gianna Lewis
Lighting Designer: Patrick Heffernan
Lighting Technician: Sean Hatton
Sound Designer: Max Thalhammer
Costume Designer: Judy Gordon
Props Manager: Hannah Kennedy
Hair & Makeup Designer: Lynn Hodak
Box Office Manager: Shelley Taylor
Front of House Manager: Odete Garmute
Rehearsal Pianist: Kurt Meyer